We structured new financing products to help deal with existing and new Islamic financial instruments for the purpose of establishing robust global secondary trading markets to assist the expanding of Islamic Finance and Investment Products markets.
Serving the financial needs of Muslim Communities and individual, living mainly in western countries (Australia, Canada, USA and Europe) is an integral part of Fundmore Alternative Finance mission. We plan where possible to offer Islamic Finance solutions as the Alternative Ethical Capital that will receive special attention where business and projects compliance with Shariah is evident and may be sanctioned by the Global Shariah Advisory Board and Regional Shariah Committees.
The Islamic financial services we are offering is costeffective, simple to place and to service. It is Muslim capital providing sustainable loans and capital to Muslims living in western countries.
We are offering the three commonly used Islamic financial instruments illustrating their uses in representative products that can be of interest to potential Islamic capital suppliers such as lenders, banks, financial houses, family offices and sovereign funds in the Arab and Islamic countries.
The three Islamic financing instruments are :
- Mudaraba – A mudaraba transaction is an investment partnership. Risk and rewards are shared. In the case of a profit, both parties receive their agreed-upon share of the profit. In the case of a loss, the investor bears any loss of capital while the mudarib loses his time and effort.
- Ijara – An ijara is an Islamic lease. Investors purchase an asset and lease it to a client for fixed monthly payments. An ijarah may include an option for the lessee to buy the asset at the end of the lease.
- Murabaha – A murabahah transaction is a sale at a stated profit. The Investors purchases goods or commodity from a third party and sells it to the client at a stated profit on a deferred payment basis. In this way, the client can buy something without taking an interest based loan.